Jorge Diezma

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It could be said that Jorge Diezma paints in order to dispel his own doubts about painting. He asks himself: what to do about the supposed anachronism of painting in today's society? How can we still be painting with oil on canvas in the early 21st century? To answer these questions, he regards painting as a territory between substance and representation, explorable through many different expressive solutions. For this reason, throughout his career, his body of work has included many sizes, from huge works to miniatures paintings, and many styles, from layered, detailed still lifes, enriched by baroque style chiaroscuro, to animals portraits, to colorful abstract paintings, all the way to his latest series of marine still lifes, painted in a detailed manner but also more freely, using a spatula.

As Diezma himself states: "In reality, I am a conceptual artist who has come up with the idea of painting still-lifes.". His production, and especially his most recent marine still lifes, offer us apparently simple solutions and views, but in reality refer to more elusive and fluid truths. What Diezma's marine still lifes do is precisely confirming that anything represented could serve for the deepest estrangement, because everything is potentially strange, and painting, because of its peculiar (in)actuality, is an exceptional medium to experience this sensation.

After a brief abstract parenthesis, Diezma has been working on his marine still lifes series, firstly exhibited in Estampa '23 with small size exemplars, then repurposed them in ARCO '24, showcasing the first big one, and now, in occasion of the BGW '24, Galería Alegría will exhibit his latest large size results. Throughout his career, he exhibited in many important institutions and galleries such Union Gallery (London), Galería Alegría (Madrid/Barcelona), Deborah Bowman (Brussels) and Espacio Valverde (Madrid). Also, he exposed in the non-profit space Plat of Amsterdam, and in the Botanical Garden of Madrid.

Jorge Diezma (Madrid, Spain, 1973) graduated in Fine Arts at University of Castilla-La Mancha (Cuenca, Spain). After having lived many years in Madrid, he has moved to Mallorca, where he now resides and works since three years.