Stefan Rinck / Fresh meat in the shark Pool / 23.06 / 2017 / Mallorca

Fresh meat in the shark pool. Installation views Fresh meat in the shark pool. Installation views Fresh meat in the shark pool. Installation views Fresh meat in the shark pool. Installation views. Fresh meat in the shark pool. Installation views Fresh meat in the shark pool. Installation views Fresh meat in the shark pool. Installation views Fresh meat in the shark pool. Installation views Fresh meat in the shark pool. Installation views Fresh meat in the shark pool. Installation views Fresh meat in the shark pool. Installation views Fresh meat in the shark pool. Installation views Fresh meat in the shark pool. Installation views Fresh meat in the shark pool. Installation views. Fresh meat in the shark pool. Installation views.



Well, the title refers to Petra, a shop owner from Port Andratx. Fresh Meat is how she is considering me and shark pool is her metapher for Mallorca.


Tempted by the beauty of the pool of Guillermo Rubi we will bring a whole body of work to his fantastic house in the middle of nowhere. The focus will be his beautiful pool which he designed himself. It is 3m depth at the deepest and has an outstanding stairway.


Some of the sculptures will be displayed inside the water that they could only be discovered while swimming and diving. The visitor is asked to bring their swimming suits, their goggles and if they have their waterproof cameras.