Joana Cera / Lapso / 21.01 - 18.03 / 2017

LAPSO / JOANA CERA Installation view. Installation view. Installation view. Installation view. Installation view. Installation view. Installation view. Installation view. Installation view. Installation view. Installation view. Installation view. Installation view. Installation view. Installation view.


A sandglass that measures the passage of a single second watches us, immobile.
The seeming quietude is just another time.
That which is slow remains silent, the acute as well, the extremes kiss each other silently for us alone.
How much earth can be contained in a second?
And what do you use this given timespan for?
A few grains of sand, little matter, question our temporality and action.
The entire Earth is sand. Or everything is sand, sooner or later or always.
There are miniatures that look you in the eye.